As we continue through the COVID-19 crisis, our top priority remains doing everything we can to keep our colleagues safe.
To ensure we can do this, we want to remind everyone of the process for reporting absence from work. We also want to provide you with an update on how you (and others living in your household) can now access the Government testing facilities that have been made available for all essential workers who are displaying symptoms of the virus.
Absence Reporting
If you are absent from work, for any reason, it’s important you contact us as soon as possible to let us know. You should do this via the normal process for your site or function – for some colleagues this will be phoning the site absence line, for others it will be informing your manager or contacting a member of your local HR team.
If you are absent because you are self-isolating due to COVID-19 and you subsequently get tested (at hospital, a drive-in centre or via a home test), you must also inform your local HR representative that this has taken place. You then must also let them know when your test results have been confirmed.
If any colleagues test positive for COVID-19 or are admitted to hospital and suspected of having COVID-19, their manager or local HR team must contact Head of Group Health & Safety, John Boyle as soon as possible.
If you (or a member of your household) are displaying symptoms (new continuous cough and/or a high temperature 37.8C+), there are two ways in which testing can be accessed:
- Individuals can register and book a test for themselves via
- We also have access to an employer portal where we can request a test for colleagues and members of their household if this is deemed necessary. We will manage this via our Occupational Health team
There are two types of testing available:
- Our preferred option, where possible, is via drive-through regional test centres – these are multiple locations that have been set up across the country to provide testing. You must have access to a vehicle (not public transport, taxis or bicycles) to use these test centres – up to four people can be tested in any vehicle.
- The other option is to use a self-testing kit – these are delivered by Amazon to the individual’s home address for up to five household members. You take the test and then return them in the post via collection from Royal Mail.
If a colleague advises us that they, or a member of their household, has symptoms and they are self-isolating, they will be expected to register online for a test – Ideally this should be done within three days of symptoms first appearing (maximum five days). Anyone who has difficulties accessing this website can seek assistance from the Coronavirus Testing Helpdesk on 0300 303 2713.
The following flowchart outlines what Greencore colleagues need to do once they, or a member of their household, have undertaken the test and received results.

If a colleague has previously been through the above process and has returned to work and they develop further symptoms or a household member displays symptoms, then the testing process should be undertaken again.
Following the correct process for absence reporting and ensuring that an appropriate test is undertaken, if you or a member of your household is showing symptoms, will help protect you and will also support us in keeping you and all our Greencore colleagues safe.
If you have any questions about the testing process outlined above, please speak to your manager or local HR team.